Allen Gregory premiered on FOX on October 30, 2011. This series tells the story of one of the most pretentious 7-year-olds of our time. When he looks in the mirror, Allen Gregory De Longpre doesn't see a child. He sees a young man who is intelligent, sophisticated, worldly, artistic and romantic - characteristics he inherited from his doting father, Richard. The pair share an extraordinary father-son bond - a bond that is sometimes annoyingly interrupted by Richard's life partner, Jeremy, for whom Allen Gregory has minimal respect, if any at all. They live together in a stunning architectural loft, along with Julie, Allen Gregory's adopted Cambodian sister. Although Allen Gregory has allegedly composed operas, written novels and dated Chloe Sevigny, he's about to embark on his greatest challenge yet: leaving the safety of his father's homeschooling and attending elementary school with children his own age.