Glenn Martin DDS premiered on NICK on August 17, 2009. This series is about Glenn Martin, who yearns for a change of scenery and a deeper connection with his family. Determined to bring the family closer together, Glenn takes the Martins on a road trip to protest the destruction of a beloved childhood park. As things unravel right from the get-go, the family is forced to make the dental-mobile - replete with a giant decorative toothbrush on the roof - their new home. Glenn, Jackie and Courtney - an 11-year-old future corporate maven who brings along her personal assistant, Wendy a 14-year-old North Korean exile - and son, Conor, the 13-year-old hormone-addled tween who's not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed--quickly learn when hitting the road that the road can sometimes hit back in unexpected ways.