Rodney Has A Wife? Rodney suspects his wife is having an affair with one of his favorite hockey players.
Pharmaceutical Sales Rep Gone Wild When a lack of insurance forces Tim to see a doctor in New Jersey, he gets a ride back to New York with a self-medicating pharmaceutical sales representative.
Amy's Got A Gun Amy and Tim have different reactions to a home intrusion.
The Salty Jazz The Boss goes to a jazz club with Tim, Stu and Rodney.
Jews Love To Laugh Amy's colleague comes to regret his purchase of Tim's favorite bar.
Nagging Blonde Tim spends a day at the races, and is inspired by Amy.
Elephant Tim gets on an elephant trainer's nerves during a circus' stop in New York.
Debbie's Mom Debbie reads Tim's palm and tells him about his future on Staten Island.
Escape Artist An escape artist may be out of a job after Tim attends a corporate retreat in Coney Island.