Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated premiered on CAR on July 12, 2010. Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy and their talking dog Scooby-Doo are back, solving mysteries in the spooky town of Crystal Cove, a sleepy coastal village that boasts a long history of ghostly sightings, werewolves and glowing deep sea divers. Because of all the mystery, Crystal Cove has become a tourist hotspot, taking in major profits and the townspeople don't appreciate the meddling of the renowned sleuthing team. The curious gang investigates every circumstance with a questioning mindset. Ghosts and monsters may exist, but extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof and the gang will stop at nothing to learn the truth of Crystal Cove. Plus, the drama won't be limited to paranormal activities - the gang will be portrayed as real teens with real problems, dealing with situations that arise in their families and personal relationships within the group.