Snoopy In Space Episodes, Season 1
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The Application
Inspired by the Neighborhood kids, Snoopy sets out to become a NASA astronaut.
Snoopy meets C. A. R. A, (NASA's Computerized Astronaut Recruitment Advisor).
The Graduation
After his true identity is revealed, Snoopy must prove his worth to NASA.
Welcome To The ISS
Snoopy blasts off for the ISS and is surprised to see a familiar face on board.
I Never Promised You A Space Garden
Snoopy and Woodstock struggle to tend the ISS garden.
Space Sleepwalking
A peaceful night on the ISS is interrupted when Snoopy realizes Woodstock's missing.
The Journey On Orion
Snoopy returns to Earth and earns a chance for a bigger mission: a trip to the moon.
Crater Crash
Snoopy and Woodstock's fun antics lead to peril while measuring moon craters.
Searching For Moon Rocks
While getting lost, Woodstock gets an idea while he and Snoopy collect rocks.
You're A Good Moon, Charlie Brown
Snoopy and Woodstock blast off from the moon-and leave behind a surprise.
The Next Mission
As Snoopy completes his mission report, he dreams about his next adventure.
Mars Or Bust
Charlie Brown plots to help Snoopy with his dream of traveling to Mars.
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