South Park Episodes, Season 16
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Reverse Cowgirl
One of the boys had been told time and time again about leaving the toilet seat up after he goes to the bathroom, but he didn't listen. His actions have consequences and ultimately result in an unimaginable catastrophe.
Cash For Gold
Cartman launches a gemstones network show and creates a very lucrative business. Stan searches for the real value of a piece of jewelry that was a gift from his Grandpa. Meanwhile, Cartman's lucrative new business preys upon an extremely vulnerable clientele.
Faith Hilling
Mankind's evolution begins to accelerate at a rapid and disturbing pace. Concurrently, another species on the planet is exhibiting the same drastic development. Eventually the two species will battle to the death and "Faith Hilling" may be humanity's only hope.
South Park's big Easter egg hunt is in jeopardy when there are rumors of a dangerous beast lurking in the woods nearby. Cartman tries to warn everyone that their lives are at risk if they participate in the egg hung. No one believes him until he produces video evidence of the mystery being.
Stan wants to raise awareness about the dangers of bullying by shooting a big dance video. Will he able to handle the pressure that goes along with the notoriety of taking on such a worthy cause?
I Should Have Never Gone Ziplining
The boys are excited to spend a day ziplining in the Colorado Mountains. But high in the Rockies, far from their families, their trip takes a bad turn. Chances of survival are slim. All they can do is wait to be rescued. But will help come too late?
Cartman Finds Love
There's a new girl in school and everyone wants to know who she has a crush on. Cartman is especially excited. He's discovered something inside himself that he never knew he had. Now, to make sure nobody gets in the way of true love, it's time for Cartman to finally let someone know exactly how he feels.
As a concerned parent, Randy radically changes the way football is played at South Park Elementary. The new version of the game quickly becomes the nation's most popular sport. One gifted student emerges as a star athlete in Sarcastaball.
Raising The Bar
Cartman owns up to being fat and decides that driving around on a scooter is his right. Kyle sees that Cartman isn't the only one who finds no shame in his unhealthy lifestyle. Meanwhile, Cartman discovers he has a rival in America's Sweetheart, Honey Boo Boo.
The man who visits all of the homes in South Park every day is now under suspicion. The luxury of having packages delivered to your doorstep is suddenly a threat to every family in the neighborhood. Cartman takes matters into his own hands and signs up for a home security system.
Going Native
Butters' outrageous behavior is a sign. It's time for him to begin a journey where he will follow in the path of his ancestors.
A Nightmare On Facetime
The boys are all ready to dress up as their favorite foursome, the Avengers, for Halloween. After months of planning their costumes, at the last minute Randy tells Stan he can't go trick or treating with his friends. Instead, Stan has to pitch in and help his father with a new business venture.
A Scause For Applause
Rocked by the recent news of drug use by a beloved icon, the world is left feeling lost and betrayed. The boys join with the rest of the nation and remove their yellow wristbands. Everyone is on board, except for Stan, who just can't seem to cut off his bracelet.
Obama Wins!
Cartman is hiding something in his bedroom that could change the outcome of the entire election. While Americans innocently plan to go to sleep Tuesday night with the election results counted and a winner announced, Cartman has secretly wrestled control of the Presidential election from the voters.
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